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All CollectionsTravel Log in Jugl
πŸ“’ How can an admin view a user's travel log?
πŸ“’ How can an admin view a user's travel log?
Updated over a year ago

To discover your colleagues' current locations or their travel logs, you can utilize the Jugl mobile app as well as the web app.

Access Travel Log from the Jugl Mobile App

Here's how to access it from the mobile app: Navigate to the people profile page, locate the desired user, and tap on the three-dot line next to their name. From the pop-up menu, select 'Time Sheet'.

On the Time Sheet page, you can get details about each stop by tapping on its address. Upon selecting it, a map with further information will be displayed.

Refer to the screenshot below. It displays the location log of where the colleague checked in. Additionally, you can view any extra information they might have added, such as the purpose of the visit, travel expenses, notes, and any related photos. Do note that in the provided screenshot, the user hasn't logged any supplementary travel details.

Access Travel Log from the Jugl Web App

Admin users can access users' travel logs via the Jugl web app. As shown in the screenshot below, on the left panel, click on "schedule". This will display the schedules of all users. Within that schedule, beneath the date, you'll notice the total travel time. Hover over it, and an option to view the timeline will appear. This timeline represents their entire travel log. Please select the timeline option from that menu.

By clicking the timeline button, you'll be presented with their daily travel map and details of all the stops. You can also access any additional information they may have inputted, like the purpose of the visit, travel expenses, notes, and associated photos. It's worth mentioning that in the given screenshot, the user hasn't recorded any extra travel details.

πŸ”₯ Note: We're enhancing the Travel Log feature significantly. Stay tuned for updates!

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